Soirée alumni au Musée de zoologie (Palais de Rumine, Lausanne), le 27 novembre 2019. Cliquez sur la photo pour avoir accès à la galerie photo!

Photographe : Julien Gianotti
Please find below the pictures of the inauguration event that took place on March 17th 2016 at the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV.
The inauguration event poster
A welcome gift from Alumnil Community and the flyers of the event
Welcome speech by Dr. Laura De Santis & Ms. Milena Metzger, the Drs Alumni FBM Team
Conference “Violence for fun: a video game culture perspective” by Dr Olivier Glassey, Director of the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
Conference “Violence for fun: a video game culture perspective” by Dr Olivier Glassey, Director of the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
Conference “Violence for fun: a video game culture perspective” by Dr Olivier Glassey, Director of the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
Conference “Violence for fun: a video game culture perspective” by Dr Olivier Glassey, Director of the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
Conference “Violence for fun: a video game culture perspective” by Dr Olivier Glassey, Director of the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
Conference “Violence for fun: a video game culture perspective” by Dr Olivier Glassey, Director of the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
Conference “Violence for fun: a video game culture perspective” by Dr Olivier Glassey, Director of the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
Presentation of Drs Alumni FBM-UNIL by Prof. Niko Geldner, Director of the Doctoral School FBM
Networking session & cocktail dinner
Networking session & cocktail dinner
Networking session & cocktail dinner
Networking session & cocktail dinner
Networking session & cocktail dinner
Networking session & cocktail dinner
The interactive scientific exhibition “Violences”
The interactive scientific exhibition “Violences”
The interactive scientific exhibition “Violences”
The interactive scientific exhibition “Violences”
The interactive scientific exhibition “Violences”
The interactive scientific exhibition “Violences”
Guided tour of the exhibition “Violences” with Ms. Roxanne Currat, curator of the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
Guided tour of the exhibition “Violences” with Ms. Roxanne Currat, curator of the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
The interactive scientific exhibition “Violences”
Guided tour of the exhibition “Violences” with Ms. Roxanne Currat, curator of the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
The interactive scientific exhibition “Violences”
Guided tour of the exhibition “Violences” with Ms. Martine Meyer, curator of the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
Guided tour of the exhibition “Violences” with Ms. Martine Meyer, curator of the Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV
The interactive scientific exhibition “Violences”
The guestbook of Drs Alumni FBM-UNIL